With increasing frequency, hospitals and healthcare systems are using the Anesthesia Request for Proposal (RFP) process to value their anesthesia service and explore options in their incumbent anesthesia group. Our team will partner with your anesthesia group and provide data-driven guidance throughout the entire Anesthesia RFP process. We couple our extensive clinical and operational backgrounds with state-of-the-art anesthesia staffing and financial models to help your group better understand the reasons for the RFP and work closely with you to craft a market-based response that reflects your commitment to meeting the hospital’s changing needs.

Anesthesia RFP Response Process
- Review of RFP documents
- Assistance with the creation of the RFP response
- EHC will assist with enhancing the response to include data and anesthesia performance metrics, show alignment with hospital initiatives and goals, and incorporate value-added operational and financial components
- Collaborate with anesthesia group leadership team and with the data provided in the RFP to create a financial model of the requested services
- Advise on reasonable anesthesia staffing models required to cover the hospital’s services identified in the RFP document
- Create the final RFP response to be submitted to the hospital