
Implement Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)

Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgery Centers are increasingly aware of the dramatic results obtainable through the implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). Evidence-based clinical pathways are integrated into a coordinated care approach with consistent processes and an emphasis on patient-focused care. This methodology has been shown to optimize surgical outcomes and eliminate unnecessary costs. Enhance Healthcare can partner with your hospital to develop and implement a results-oriented ERAS program across single or multiple surgical service lines.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program

ERAS Program Governance

  • Work with administrative leaders, surgeons, nursing leadership, and other stakeholders to create a project steering committee
  • Identify and support surgical and ERAS anesthesia champions
  • Assist steering committee in establishing goals and objective targets for each service line program (Orthopedics, Urology, etc.)
  • Determine pilot service lines and initial surgeons to begin the ERAS initiative, in conjunction with the steering committee
  • Create pertinent data points and tracking mechanisms

Preoperative Initiatives

  • Assist in creating preoperative ERAS protocols
  • Create mechanisms to identify appropriate patients
  • Incorporate standardized processes for preoperative optimization 
  • Coordinate communication of clinical expectations and requirements to all stakeholders (surgeon offices, PAT Clinic, anesthesia, holding area, etc.)
  • Assist in the development of pain management protocols
  • Collaborate with discharge planning to identify candidates for proactive discharge 

Intraoperative Initiatives

  • Standardize intraoperative care for specific procedure types
  • Standardize anesthesia approach for specific procedures
  • Multimodal pain management – coordination between anesthesia team and surgeon
  • Anesthetic technique to facilitate early ambulation where appropriate
  • Assist in the development of adjunctive medication to be administered intraoperatively

Postoperative Initiatives

  • Early ambulation
  • Rapid oral intake
  • Early physical therapy
  • Multimodal pain management
  • Discharge planning implementation