
Anesthesia Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction surveys can be invaluable to hospitals and groups. They provide data to make management decisions, reveal trends, and track whether those trends are improving or worsening. Our team administers anesthesia satisfaction surveys for you to monitor your anesthesia group’s performance. On a quarterly or biannual basis, we survey surgeons & proceduralists and operating room, obstetric & out-of-OR nurse managers to understand their perceptions and concerns with their anesthesia service provider. EHC will analyze results and develop detailed reports that include average scores and themes from written responses. We utilize our extensive EHC database to compare your hospital’s survey results to other nationwide hospitals.

Key Anesthesia Survey Topics

  • Preoperative preparation
  • Clinical quality
  • Postoperative patient management
  • Call coverage
  • Communication and professionalism
  • Leadership

An Alternating 2 Column Section